Monday, November 8, 2010

it's written in the stars...

My horoscope for November 8, 2010:

The time has now come for you to undertake more difficult tasks.
Indeed, the stars incite you to use the day to your
advantage, Terri. You are full of life, and you should use this
energy to show the world what you are capable of!
Today, you will not be afraid of any work to be done,
and you will also have the capacity to recover your strength afterwards.

The stars are spot on for me this morning as I've lots to do
at work this week. Winter programming text to write, two
book discussions to prepare for in addition to three other
programs scheduled for the week - a diabetes program for
seniors, a fun jewelry class and a concert scheduled for
Sunday - a program honoring the music of 'ole blue eyes,
Frank Sinatra.

In between the responsibilities of the work day, my BFF's
in town, so I'm hoping to squeeze in a wine date with her
(in addition to the martini date we had yesterday, which
I hope to blog about tomorrow). Add to that a visit later today
with another dear friend and her new little baby girl, a shopping
expedition with my sissy on Wednesday evening and a fish fry
dinner date with the huz and yet another tre' dear friend and her huz too
for Friday and a WAY TOO FUN "author party" on Saturday
night - a first for me and also for my sweet friend who has
planned the fun evening and I've got another full week ahead of me!

Work, home, friends, family...that's the way it's been for me lately. A
constant stream, busy but completely in balance. Well...maybe
the "home" part's been a bit neglected lately, but "home" is undergoing
a bit of pre-turkey day renovation and things are a bit upside down
for the time being. But no worries. About the time things slow down
a bit (am taking Thanksgiving week off - YAY!) I'm planning to slow
down a little bit too. For a few days anyway; long enough to get the
house squared away for holiday entertaining. Come turkey day though
hoopla returns. I can't wait - Thanksgiving's my fave holiday, hands down.

Whew...long winded this morning. Didn't mean to be! I've got work to
do and time's a wasting! And just so you know, it feels so good to be
back to blogging again. I really missed it! There's so much I want
to share with you in the days ahead.

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...

Happy Monday!

Photo: Pisces constellation over desert skies. How cool is that?

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